Specialized in Black and Red Angus
in 1899
in 1899

Smithville AR


Welcome to Bilbrey Century Farm, an Arkansas Century Farm. Founded in 1899, the Bilbrey Century farm has been passed down through generations and is currently operated by Bilbrey Joe Wallis and family. Many different kinds of livestock have been raised over the years, with Black and Red Angus currently the primary breeds.


Lawrence County Farm Family of The Year

Arkansas farm family of the yearWe are overwhelmed with gratitude to have been selected to receive the Lawrence County Farm Family of the Year award. We are so honored to have our work recognized. Thank you, friends and families, for their love and support. Thank you, Farm Bureau, for offering this recognition.

High Tunnel

Fresh organic produce from high tunnel

Fresh produce Fresh Produce
Salsa Time Fresh Salsa
salsa High Tunnel
peppers Peppers
Produce Organic Produce

Grand Champion

Grand ChampionThis handsome Red Angus is a two times Grand Champion at Arkansas State Fair.

New Lambs

Little ewe and a ram.

Twin babies

Mama and twin